\ 英屬維京群島FSC將自2021年7月1日起調漲首次董事名冊歸檔費並改採電子文檔-維詮管理顧問 .







22 June 2021


Subject: BVI Companies - Registry Fee Increases effective 1 July 2021

Dear Client,

The British Virgin Islands (BVI) Financial Services Commission has announced Registry fee increases.

The Registry fee increases were reflected in the BVI Business Companies (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order, 2021 (the Order) and Financial Services (Limited Partnership Fees) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021, which laws will become effective on 1 July 2021.

The Order and the Regulations can be found here.

What are the key changes?

The key impact will be on fees payable to the Registry.

Please note that Vistra's approach will be to pass on the new Registry fees. This means that we are ONLY increasing our service fees by the amount of the Registry fee increases, with NO additional fees on Vistra's part.

Please also note that these fee increases will NOT affect Annual Licence Fees.

What does this mean for me?

There will be consequential fee increases for New Incorporations and specific Technical Services.

Please note that for New Incorporations, the fee increase ONLY relates to circumstances when an original Certificate of Incorporation is required.

Regarding the provision of an original Certificate of Incorporation, Vistra's standard practice will be to order and provide an original, unless otherwise advised. This means that a new US$50 Registry fee will apply. If clients are happy with an electronic version of the Certificate, this can be provided by the Registry at no additional fee.

Regarding other Certificates provided by the Registry, such as registration, restoration, merger, consolidation, arrangement, continuation, discontinuance, deregistration, good standing, etc., the Order and Regulations provide for similar new Registry fees. Vistra's standard practice with respect to these certificates will be similar to the Certificate of Incorporation, as mentioned above.

Regarding initial filings for Register of Directors, a Registry fee of US$75 will apply.

Contact us

Should you have any questions about this communication, please reach out to your regular Vistra contact.

We appreciate your ongoing support and understanding.

Yours sincerely,

The Vistra Company Formation Team

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