美國稅務局IRS要求 美國公司所持有海外帳戶資產需申報 FBAR
1. 非美國公民所設立的美國公司也要申報。
2. 可不可以不申報? 我的觀點:認真評估關閉美國公司。若有困難,就依規定申報。公司設立都有公司編號,
3. 美國公司(含德拉瓦、內華達州之LLC、C corp 、S corp
5. 不申報可以拖多久?我想?可以拖到FATCA(肥咖條款)實施為止。
1. 美國人在海外擁有最少一個財務賬戶並有財務利益或簽署權; 和
2. 在申報年度內的任何時間所有海外帳戶的總額超過10,000 美元。
USA Recent Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) Guidance
On February 24, 2011, the USA Treasury Department published final regulations amending the FBAR regulations.
These regulations became effective on March 28, 2011, and apply to FBARs required to be filed with respect to foreign financial accounts maintained in calendar year 2010 and for FBARs required to be filed with respect to all subsequent calendar years.
United States persons are required to file an FBAR on or before 30 June 2011 if:
1. The United States person had a financial interest in or signature authority over at least one financial account located outside of the United States; and
2. The aggregate value of all foreign financial accounts exceeded USD10,000 at any time during the calendar year to be reported.
United States person means United States citizens; United States residents; entities, including but not limited to, corporations, partnerships, or limited liability companies created or organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States; and trusts or estates formed under the laws of the United States.
根據申報海外銀行及金融機構帳户之規定 (Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR))
- 美國人(包括德拉瓦有限公司)須申報海外銀行及金融機構帳户,倘若
1. 美國人在海外擁有最少一個銀行或金融機構帳户並擁有財務利益或簽署權;及
2. 在申報年度的任何時間内所持有海外帳户的總額超過一萬美元。
- 没有申報將被罰款。
Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)
- United States persons (also mean Delaware Corporation) are required to file an FBAR if
1. The United States person had a financial interest in or signature authority over at least one financial account located outside of the United States; and
2. The aggregate value of all foreign financial accounts exceeded US$10,000 at any time during the calendar year to be report.
- There are penalties associated with not filing.