![]() 資料更新時間:2020/11/05
1、針對國際記者聯盟ICIJ揭露跨國銀行涉及洗錢案,據揭露內容中提及新加坡當地三家銀行(據媒體報導為星展、大華與華僑銀行)涉及可疑交易,10月5日新國議員對此議題質詢新加坡金融管理局因應作法。造成影響就是近來新加坡開戶變難。 2、摘錄新國金融管理局長答詢內容〝3. The leaked reports mentioned in the media articles were filed with FinCEN by banks in the US, involving transactions with banks in almost every country in the world. To be clear, STRs are not in themselves evidence of money laundering. In fact, most STRs are eventually not found to be connected to criminal activities or money laundering.〞*STR 可疑交易通報 —這段文字呼應了我個人的一些猜想,真正的犯罪集團在公司性質與交易事項早有安排,單憑金流與對象很難一窺交易全貌。當然,不能憑此認為洗錢防制通報無效。 |