

關鍵字:#美國公司 #德拉瓦公司 #Delaware #EIN #CRS #TIN #實體 #OBU #境外公司 #中岸 #經濟實體 #Economic Substance #MID-SHORE #黑名單 #Blacklist
  1. 美國稅務局IRS 要求外國人所持有之美國LLC及其他類型公司(包含德拉瓦)需提交form 5472表。IRS要求自2019年3月15日前,凡外國人所持有之美國公司需申報form 5472,此項措施及之前要求美國公司均需要申請EIN/TIN似乎與近期BVI、開曼需具有稅務身份同樣意思。延伸閱讀:據聞美國稅務局針對外國人所持有之美國LLC公司(包含德拉瓦)需申請EIN稅籍編號
  2. 常見的租稅天堂設立地區中美國德拉瓦/內華達、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞納閩等這些註冊地區與註冊在BVI、薩摩亞等不同。前述公司是規定在某些條件下得免稅、公司並不是零稅率;因此,在設立前應該要很小心,甚至,一旦法規變更就該考慮註銷掉該公司(如果還來得及)。
  3. 以下資料來自於OMC Group。


Dear Client,

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has implemented regulations requiring that foreign-owned U.S. limited liability companies (and other U.S. business entities) treated as disregarded entities for U.S. tax purposes file annually Form 5472 – Information Return of a 25% Foreign-Owned U.S. Corporation or a Foreign Corporation Engaged in a U.S. Trade or Business – with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Prior to this new regulation, disregarded U.S. entities wholly-owned by foreign persons generally were not required to file any U.S. tax or information returns.

美國國稅局(IRS)已開始實施一項法規,要求以前於美國納稅目的下被排除的實體,即外國人所有的美國有限責任公司(和其他美國商業實體),現在要每年向IRS提交表格5472 - 即外國人持股25%的美國公司或外國公司從事美國貿易或商業活動者。在這項新規定之前,被外國人全資所有的被排除的美國實體一般不需要提交任何美國稅務或信息回報。

These regulations treat your foreign-owned domestic DRE as a reporting corporation for the limited purpose of reporting related-party transactions on Form 5472. They also require the DRE to maintain a permanent set of books and records that establish the correctness of the information reported on the form.

該項法規將您的外資國內DRE視為提報公司,目的是要求您於Form 5472上提報與特定關係人的交易,僅用於報告表格5472上的關係人交易。並且要求DRE要保存一套永久性的賬簿和記錄,以確定報告的信息的正確性。

*DRE:domestic disregarded entities

Form 5472 must be filed when the corporation has a reportable transaction with the foreign shareholder. In general, most transactions with foreign shareholders are considered to be reportable.


When a foreign corporation engaged in a U.S. trade or business has a reportable transaction with either the U.S. or a foreign-related party, Form 5472 is required to be filed. The purpose is to disclose the nature and amount of foreign and domestic transactions that occur with related parties.


Forms must be submitted prior to March 15th, 2019. A penalty of $10,000 could be assessed on any reporting corporation that fails to file the form when due. Filing a substantially incomplete Form 5472 also constitutes a failure to file.

表格必須在2019年3月15日之前提交。對於未能在到期時提交表格的任何報告公司,會被處以10,000美元的罰款。 提交基本上不完整的表格5472也構成未提交。

If your company is affected by these regulations, OMC can assist you to comply by:

Obtaining taxpayer identification number.

•Assistance in completing form 5472.
