

#租稅天堂 #黑名單 #灰名單 #白名單 #OBU #境外公司 #實體 #經濟實體 #Economic Substance #落實反避稅措施獲認同 我自歐盟稅務「灰名單」除名 #好消息台灣脫離歐盟避稅灰名單
  1. 參照歐盟2019年3月12日所發佈新聞稿與綜合國內相關新聞:15個仍列於黑名單國家或地區分別為美屬薩摩亞(American Samoa)、關島(Guam)、薩摩亞(Samoa)、千里達與托巴哥(Trinidad and Tobago)及美屬維京群島(US Virgin Islands)、阿魯巴(Arub)、貝里斯(Belize)、百慕達(Bermuda)、多明尼加(Dominica)、斐濟(Fiji)、阿曼(Oman)及萬那杜(Vanuatu)、巴貝多(Barbados)、馬紹爾群島(Marshall Islands)與阿拉伯聯合大公國(United Arab Emirates)。延伸閱讀:歐盟於2017年12月5日所公布租稅黑名單Blacklist
  2. 薩摩亞(Samoa)迄今沒有任何改善的動作(註)令人擔心;擔心會因此停止離岸公司業務(類似汶萊與模里西斯)或銀行將因此關閉薩摩亞公司帳戶,建議在沒有進一步消息前應該先停止新設立薩摩亞公司。貝理斯已在2018年12月頒佈經濟實體法規、之後又傳出再次修法,推測應該是為了因應歐盟標準而做修正,應該有機會在下次脫離黑名單。*近年來租稅天堂地區要求:最終受益人歸檔、董事歸檔、簽署保存會計記錄、實體的修法…唯獨薩摩亞沒有任何動作。

European Commission - Press release

Fair Taxation: EU updates list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions

Brussels, 12 March 2019

EU Finance Ministers have updated the EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions, based on an intense process of analysis and dialogue steered by the Commission. The list has proven a true success with many countries having changed their laws and tax systems to comply with international standards.

Over the course of last year, the Commission assessed 92 countries based on three criteria: tax transparency, good governance and real economic activity, as well as one indicator, the existence of a zero corporate tax rate. Today's update shows that this clear, transparent and credible process delivered a real change: 60 countries took action on the Commission's concerns and over 100 harmful regimes were eliminated. The list has also had a positive influence on internationally agreed tax good governance standards.

Based on the Commission's screening, ministers blacklisted today 15 countries. Of those, 5 have taken no commitments since the first blacklist adopted in 2017: American Samoa, Guam, Samoa, Trinidad and Tobago, and US Virgin Islands. 3 others were on the 2017 list but were moved to the grey list following commitments they had taken but have now to be blacklisted again for not having followed up: Barbados, United Arab Emirates and Marshall Islands. A further 7 countries were moved today from the grey list to the blacklist for the same reason: Aruba, Belize, Bermuda, Fiji, Oman, Vanuatu and Dominica.Another 34 countries will continue to be monitored in 2019 (grey list), while 25 countries from the original screening process have now been cleared.

"The EU tax havens list is a true European success. It has had a resounding effect on tax transparency and fairness worldwide”, said Pierre Moscovici, Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs. “Thanks to the listing process, dozens of countries have abolished harmful tax regimes and have come into line with international standards on transparency and fair taxation. The countries that did not comply have been blacklisted, and will have to face the consequences that this brings. We are raising the bar of tax good governance globally and cutting out the opportunities for tax abuse."

The EU's list has led to changes in global tax practices that would have been unimaginable only a few years ago. Conceived by the Commission and first agreed by Member States in December 2017, it is a common tool to tackle risks of tax abuse and unfair tax competition globally. The process is fair with improvements made visible in the list and it boosted transparency with countries' commitment letters published online. The EU listing process has also created a framework for dialogue and cooperation with the EU's international partners, to address concerns with their tax systems and discuss tax matters of mutual interest. The screening will now be enhanced with more compulsory transparency criteria to be respected and three G20 countries added to the next screening, Russia, Mexico and Argentina.

In terms of consequences, Member States have agreed on a set of countermeasures, which they can choose to apply against the listed countries, including increased monitoring and audits, withholding taxes, special documentation requirements and anti-abuse provisions. The Commission will continue to support Member States' work to develop a more coordinated approach to sanctions for the EU list in 2019.In addition, new provisions in EU legislation prohibit EU funds from being channelled or transited through entities in countries on the tax blacklist.

落實反避稅措施獲認同 我自歐盟稅務「灰名單」除名

2019-03-15 00:34聯合報 記者沈婉玉/台北報導

歐盟部長理事會已將我國自稅務不合作國家灰名單中除名。 (歐新社)

歐盟部長理事會(Council of the European Union)監督追蹤各國家及管轄區承諾事項落實情形,近期更新「稅務不合作國家名單」。我國(Taiwan)原本名列觀察名單(灰名單),因努力落實相關承諾,已自稅務不合作國家灰名單中除名。







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