#註冊地址 #通訊地址 #郵件轉寄 #OBU帳戶 #客戶資料更新 |
- 近期接獲詢問:收到註冊代理人通知(類似如下英文);大意是XX公司註冊代理人收到XX公司信件詢問是否要將此信轉回台灣,依據我們的經驗此類信件9成機率是銀行的「客戶資料更新表」發送到境外公司註冊地址。〝誤發送〞的信件中大概有一半機率(確實有很高比例是因為銀行XX)是因為客戶早期留給銀行的資料中公司地址只填寫了〝註冊地址〞,所以相關資料就只會寄到BVI、Samoa…因此接獲這類通知時信件不必安排寄送,請直接聯繫銀行重新寄到〝通訊地址〞即可。
- 當然,若您希望境外公司有其他的〝境外〞通訊地址可以與我們聯繫。
The Registered Office of the Company has received 1 piece(s) of mail addressed to the Company.
If you require this package to be forwarded, please select one of the following options below (with corresponding discounted service charge). This charge includes courier / postage (receiving, sending) and administrative fees.
1) Forward the unopened physical mail via courier - *US$ X0 Asia (within 1kg) / *US$ XX0 Ex-Asia (within 1kg)
2) Open the mail received, scan the document (up to 20 pages) and send the electronic scanned copy to a specific email address - *US$ X0
3) Discard the unopened physical mail in an environmentally friendly way - Free
We have noticed that you are not yet part of our Annual Membership for the Mail Forwarding service. As a member, you will receive a 50% discount on the primary mail forwarding service charges (including those in this email). The annual membership fee is *USD$ XX0 but you may also sign up for a 3-year membership for the price of *USD$ XX0. This payment would be for membership for the year 2019. |